Welcome to my website!
I am an economics PhD candidate at the University of Virginia and research analyst for the Joint Committee on Taxation. I study the intersection of public policy, behavior, and inequality. I particularly focus on taxation and retirement policy. Here, you can find my CV, recent research, and contact information.
Prior to graduate school, I worked full-time for the Joint Committee on Taxation. I hold a MA in economics from UVA and a BA from Washington and Lee University where I studied economics, mathematics, and poverty. When I am not working on research, you can find me kayaking, playing piano in a mediocre rock band, or exploring western Virginia.
Published Works:
“Corporate Behavioral Responses to TCJA for Tax Years 2017-2018”, with Tim Dowd and Christopher Giosa. National Tax Journal 73(4), December 2020.
Working Papers:
“Sex-Specific Earnings Variance and the Boundary of the Firm,” with Paul Landefeld and Jacob Mortenson. April 2021.
“Firms and the U.S. Earnings Distribution,” with Paul Landefeld and Jacob Mortenson. November 2021.
“Nudging Policies and Retirement Savings: Evidence and Theory from State Auto-IRA Programs.”
In Progress:
“Lifecycle Effects of Automatic Enrollment and Optimal Default Policy: Evidence from State Auto-IRAs.”